Top Strategies for Sending Bulk Emails: Maximize Reach and Results

Bulk emails are one of the most convenient and effective ways to expand your reach. However, they also come with unique challenges. You can only realize the benefits once you gain a comprehensive understanding of the basics.

Keep reading if you want to maintain strong click-through rates and avoid getting marked as spam. These best practices to send out bulk emails can minimize the time and effort it takes to adapt to a broader, transformative method of communication.

We’ll summarize the article’s key points and give you straightforward answers to the topic’s most common questions!

After reading this game-changing roadmap to success and mastering this crucial email marketing technique, you’ll know exactly how to run a successful bulk email campaign, stay compliant with data privacy laws, and maximize ROI.

What Does Bulk Email Mean?

what does bulk email mean?

Bulk emails send a message to many addresses at once. Like a classroom or conference room, an entire group receives the same information at the same time. It’s a solid strategy for promoting sales, increasing brand awareness, and sharing any type of valuable info with a select audience.

The key issue is that for many, bulk email is synonymous with spam. Spam messages are irrelevant, unconsenting, and keep coming. 

BookYourData has a lot to share on how to send bulk email without spamming. It all starts with a strong purpose and knowing how to craft a relevant message, among many other factors. 

Let’s analyze why the word “spam” shouldn’t hold anyone back from chasing the best benefits of bulk email.

Why Should You Send Mass Emails?

why should you send mass emails?

Mass emails offer the best in reach, cost, and results. They’re also unmatched time-savers. Let’s take a closer look at those attributes and more.

Cost-Effectiveness of Bulk Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are less expensive than other mass messaging methods such as radio or TV advertising. However, it’s better to analyze this in terms of cost-effectiveness, the final outcome of the efforts.

The ROI improves when re-allocating the savings. A business now has the room to run a successful PPC campaign, or even invest in more verified email lists.

Wide Reach and Scalability

Bulk emails help organizations that have grown a lot in a short amount of time. Major pitfalls of rapid growth include expanding in-house teams too quickly, or failing to stay on schedule with planned efforts. 

Mass messaging done right nurtures an entire audience that’s still warming up to a brand. Once established, use targeted audience segmentation to refine and deliver what certain users need on a more granular level. 

Time Efficiency in Communication

The time spent on bulk emails should be about creating the right message. Getting it out is the easy part; one click is all it takes. This is a huge advantage when it comes to time-sensitive information and compliance requirements such as privacy updates.

Personalization and Targeted Messaging

Bulk emails let you break an audience down into segments based on their relationship to a business and how they interact with it. 

Customers who recently made a purchase can be eligible for an exclusive offer. Users who didn’t have the urge to open past emails might be inspired by different subject lines. List members in the Southern Hemisphere have different seasonal buying habits and can be targeted accordingly with their own segment.

The bottom line is that high open rates won’t last if you continue to paint all recipients with the same brush. Cold emailing done correctly avoids generic communication, so there’s no excuse when it comes to an established audience.

Measurable Results and Analytics

Bulk email is a simple way to know whether or not a strategy is paying off. Streamline the effort it takes to shape the future by learning what works at a glance:

Bounce rate: This metric indicates how many emails didn’t reach the inbox. While this is occasionally due to full inboxes and server issues, the most common culprit is an invalid address. Use a bulk email verifier to avoid a high bounce rate.

Open rate: The number of people who opened the email. Subject lines are a main influence on open rate, which will be addressed in a few minutes.

Click-through rate: If there is a link inside the email, the click-through rate will share how many recipients clicked it.

Conversion rate: Did users who clicked the link complete the intended action, such as submitting a form or making a purchase? If so, they are also part of the conversion rate.

Average Cost Per Email When You Send in Bulk

average cost per email when you send in bulk

The cost per email when sending in bulk will vary based on the provider, campaign, the number of messages, and extra features. 

Here’s an overview of bulk email pricing models various providers offer:

Pay As You Go

Flexibility is the main benefit of pay as you go providers. There are no limits or commitments, making it a fit for companies who send a little or a lot depending on their current goals.

Buying in Bulk

Bulk pricing for bulk email campaigns aligns with strategies requiring frequent messaging. High-volume communications can drive the price as low as $0.0001 per email.


Monthly subscription packages are preferred for regular emails and often come in bundles that include analytics, segmentation, and more.


Custom pricing is available for large organizations that want white-glove service and a comprehensive lineup of features. These packages start at approximately $2,000 per month.

How to Send Emails in Bulk

how to send emails in bulk?

The 13 best practices to send out bulk emails are the formula for favorable metrics and continuous growth. Implement as many as possible to master mass messaging. 

1. Craft the Perfect Subject Line

Compose clear and compelling subject lines to improve open rates. Here are some tips that can apply to both cold email sequences and specialized segments alike:

  • Keep it short. Six to 10 words, or 50 characters, is the ideal range.
  • Personalize it. Using the recipient’s name can grab their attention and make the message seem more relevant than others in the inbox.
  • Leverage urgency and action. Limited-time offers and action words like “claim” and “unlock” can inspire more clicks.
  • Avoid sounding like spam. Using phrases such as “click here” as well as promises of cash or free products won’t sound legit.

Finally, always conduct A/B tests to see which subject lines work best. Keep reading to learn more about A/B testing.

2. Create Engaging Content

When you optimize email content for engagement, you’re sending emails at the right time with the best subject lines, always ensuring that the CTA is clear and compelling. 

Here are more ways to engage:

  • Identify a specific problem the recipient has and solve it.
  • Maintain the brand’s voice so it becomes familiar.
  • Use high-quality graphics and videos.
  • Always perform tests to confirm that emails are mobile responsive - more than half of all marketing email campaigns are opened on a smartphone.

It’s also crucial to offer different types of content across segments. What engages a new recipient won’t be the same for someone who is already a loyal audience member.

3. Build an Email List

Bookyourdata has robust prospects who are ready to buy today

A business must comply with email marketing regulations by keeping lists full of active, willing recipients. 

Keep opt-in forms readily accessible on websites, attend networking events and host webinars, and share social media sign-up buttons. 

All of this takes time. To get a quick, reliable start, consider a B2B database.

BookYourData offers lists of valid, deliverable addresses with 97% accuracy and 100% compliance.


4. Optimize Your Contact List

Existing lists need regular maintenance to reduce bounce rates. Review and update lists periodically by checking DNS records, removing duplicates, and identifying disposable addresses. 

A bulk email verifier can handle these tasks with minimal hassle.

5. Personalize and Segment Your Email List

Use recipient data to divide addresses by demographic, engagement level, habits, and interests. From there, customize and personalize content for each segment. 

Here’s what happens when you target specific audience segments:

  • Fewer emails get marked as spam.
  • Open and click-through rates increase.
  • Companies gain valuable data that contributes to future campaigns.
  • It becomes easier to implement behavioral targeted strategies.
  • The value of the message skyrockets and conversion rates increase.

6. Schedule Your Campaign

Carefully scheduling a sending time can increase engagement. When done consistently, it also demonstrates reliability.

The optimal sending time will vary based on factors such as the industry it applies to and the lifestyle and location of users in a segment. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • B2B emails are best sent Tuesday through Thursday. Monday and Fridays are too hectic and weekends are for B2C messages.
  • People are more likely to check their inboxes around 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on workdays.
  • Always schedule emails according to the time zone of the recipient, not your own.

If email frequency is a concern, learn more about how many cold emails you can send per day.

7. Track User Behavior

how to send emails in bulk - part2

It’s admirable to hit a target, but the bull’s eye is the ultimate goal. Adapt strategies to audience behavior. The only way to do so is by tracking the way they interact with the content. Most cold email software helps you do this easily.

Continue building upon the best-performing content. Always monitor open rates and take advantage of triggered automation to react to user behavior. All of this is invaluable for accurate segmentation and future content strategies.

8. Keep It Short, Crisp, and Free of Fluff

Attention spans are shrinking and people prefer content that gets straight to the point. Here are some tips for clutter-free emails readers appreciate:

  • Organize information into bulleted lists, just like this.
  • Skip jargon and flowery phrases in favor of clear, simple language.
  • Always use active voice (“she opened the email” instead of “the email was opened by her”).
  • Use short paragraphs and edit before sending to proofread and trim away fluff.
  • Remember to include a visible CTA.

9. Offer Exclusive Discounts and Deals

What if open and click-through rates are good, but conversion rates aren’t moving? Increase incentive to purchase or commit with discounts and deals. 

Use the attributes of each segment to target what sort of language and offer is most appealing. If the segment includes people who regularly interact with your brand, be sure to express gratitude and offer the deal as a reward for their loyalty. 

10. Maximize Email Deliverability

It’s clear at this point that sending out bulk emails requires regular attention to the list. These three actions will help messages reach inboxes.

Use spam filter avoidance techniques. Convey time-sensitivity without being too dramatic or misleading. “CLICK HERE FOR FREE CASH!!!” smells like spam, where “[Name], I have an unbelievable offer for you this week” does not.

Choose reputable email service providers (ESPs). A good ESP, like Mailchimp, will have great relationships with ISPs. The ESP will also give access to insights to metrics like deliverability and bounce rates.

Never skip email verifiers. Keep an email marketing database clean with email verifiers like Hunter, ZeroBounce, or BookYourData. BookYourData in particular verifies emails in real-time, so there are minimal lapses in deliverability.

If you plan on using an email client instead of an ESP, read more about how to send mass emails in Gmail.

11. Comply with Email Regulations

Subscribers have rights. Here are the three laws every business sending bulk emails should stay up to date on:

  • CAN-SPAM. This US law dictates that unsubscribing should be easy and final.
  • GDPR. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation requires that businesses receive consent to collect data and that recipients maintain control over their data.
  • CCPA. The California Consumer Privacy Act allows Californians to opt out of having their data sold. 

12. Conduct A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is where you create two variations of the same content and measure the performance of each. An email list is split in half with each half getting a different version.

Use the data to optimize future campaigns. For example, the message with a higher open rate indicates a more compelling subject line. The email with a higher click-through rate likely has the best CTA.

If you don’t know where to start, try tweaking two different cold email outreach templates and seeing which gets more action.  

13. Measure Performance & Analytics

Even outside of A/B testing, always refine messaging based on analytics. Consistently check the following six metrics to formulate and fine-tune successful strategies:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Unsubscribes
  • Return on investment (ROI)

Best Practices to Send Out Bulk Emails: Key Takeaways

  • Automating mass emails is the fastest and most logical way to reach many people at once.
  • Bulk email is affordable and beneficial for large corporations and fledgling businesses alike.
  • The scalability and flexibility make it a marketing method that easily grows with the audience.
  • Segmenting and personalizing content prevents generic, irrelevant messages with low click-through rates.
  • Maintain a strong reputation and authentic engagement by complying with data protection laws.
  • Use performance metrics to build upon your success and produce even more finely targeted campaigns.
  • If you buy email lists, email verification tools clean recipient lists and keep them full of valid addresses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the email mass limit?

The email mass limit is the greatest number of emails that can be sent in a certain period. The limit exists to comply with anti-spam regulations and server load.

Your email mass limit depends on the ESP and the type of plan. For example, you can send 150,000 emails a month with Mailchimp Premium but there’s no limit with Campaign Monitor’s Premier package.  

When should I send mass emails?

The best time to send mass emails is Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. These are the times people are most likely to check their inboxes. Try to avoid sending B2B emails on Mondays and Fridays as recipients are more focused on work emails.

What is the mass email response rate?

The mass email response rate refers to the percentage of recipients who open and perform the email’s intended actions. This could include clicking a link, subscribing, or making a purchase.

Use one of the best email marketing platforms to keep your email list clean and deliverable. Bookyourdata delivers 97% accuracy in B2B lead generation, allowing you to purchase highly targeted email lists using a flexible pay-as-you-go model. Advanced filters allow you to browse contacts from 200+ countries, various industries, management levels, job functions, and job titles. Get 10 free leads without a credit card now, and build a solid foundation for your bulk email campaign.



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