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How to Write Cold Emails in 5 Steps with Free Templates

Are you looking at the screen and wondering what to write? You know that you have only one chance to make an impression and get a response. The pressure is on, and often, you give up and use the first template you can find. However, nowadays, the emailing industry has changed significantly. It's become a mixture of strategy, persistence, and empathy. So, if you are wondering how to write cold emails that get results, read the article until the end.

  • What is a Cold Email?
  • How to Prepare Your Cold Email Campaign
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Cold Email
  • Essential Elements of an Effective Cold Email
  • Top 2024 Cold Email Templates
  • Common Challenges and Solutions in Cold Emailing
  • Advanced Tips for Cold Emailing
  • Measuring the Success of Your Cold Email Campaign

If you are among those who are still wondering whether to write a simple sales email or make it more personalized, then this article is for you. We will discuss cold emailing, campaigns, how to write cold emails, and what makes them effective in more detail. That also includes the common issues you face when writing them, simple solutions, and tips to make your next campaign successful.

What is a Cold Email?

Cold email is the message to potential leads who have never had contact with your brand to expand your reach. These messages might be unsolicited, but they aim to provide value in personalized, relevant, and targeted ways. Here's what defines a successful cold email:

  • Deliverability - By using the best practices and maintaining a good sender reputation, you can be sure your email will reach the right recipient. 
  • Targeting - If you research and segment your potential customers based on relevant criteria, you have a greater chance of achieving your goal.
  • Appeal - Crafting cold email content is like art. You must grab your reader's attention and draw them into your message.
  • Value - Providing value for the decision-makers, for example, a solution to their problem or benefits, increases the value of your email and why they should engage with you in the first place.

How to Prepare Your Cold Email Campaign

Preparing for a cold email campaign can start with technical aspects like choosing the email provider, configuring settings, acquiring an email list, and choosing an outreach tool. However, we assume you have already taken care of these technicalities for this article. Rest assured, your cold email campaigns will succeed with the right approach and strategy.

Establish a Goal for Your Cold Email

Before starting a campaign, one crucial guide will help you reach those leads more efficiently, know how to write your cold emails, and measure the results. The trick is to keep the goals simple and measurable. However, concentrate on making that goal as specific as possible. That means using quantifiable goals you can validate later when the campaign ends, such as boosting sales by 15%. 

Selecting the Right Audience

In cold outreach, everything depends on your target audience. Your main goal is to target the right connection who is likely to benefit from your product or services. That means considering their industry, roles, company, and, most importantly, pain points. You can use segmentation to help you clean up and organize your email lists. Finally, ensure that lists are accurate and up to date. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Cold Email

If you are wondering whether your tactics are working or if you got your strategies right, there are tried-and-true methods for writing a cold email that works. Let's look at five steps you can take to revise and improve your campaign. 

Step 1. Researching Your Prospect

As mentioned, your conversion rates depend on contacts willing to engage in conversations and your brand. Assuming you have the correct email addresses, the key here is identifying pain points and tailoring the content accordingly. For example, what tools or plans do they need to resolve their business challenges? That means that you discover what your value proposition should be, which is one of the main points of cold emailing. 

Step 2. Personalizing Your Message

Researching your potential clients can help you customize the message by focusing on them. Cold emailing has changed significantly, and general messages written to thousands are no longer working. Personalization in the email introduction ensures that you intrigue your readers and have them respond to your email. If you think about it and receive a general message, you are likely to delete it without thinking. A personalized message is something else; you are at least inclined to respond.

Step 3. Keeping Your Email Concise and Focused

While writing an email, think about the recipient's time. Their interest depends on how well you clarify the reason behind writing to them in one or two paragraphs. Writing concisely should be the leading guide of your message. That means clearly stating in a professional tone why you are contacting them and your reasons for doing so. Use simple language and write your email copy clearly and straightforwardly.   

Step 4. Demonstrating Credibility and Trustworthiness

As much as directness is essential, showcasing your credibility by highlighting your success stories or referencing testimonials that prove your trustworthiness and authority makes sense. That means you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and be able to tackle their challenges. 

Step 5. Following Up: When and How

Following up promptly gives your recipient time to think and reminds them of your first offer. You can use follow-up templates. However, it's never a good idea to send too many. Many professionals debate the number of email follow-ups and the time span for the first one. A good rule of thumb is to send the first one three days after the initial email. That includes sending a maximum of three messages. If they do not respond to either, you know they are not interested. 

Essential Elements of an Effective Cold Email

While you compose a cold email, you realize you have a structure to follow. Each segment and sentence of the message adheres to its effectiveness. Let's take a look at some of the important features of an effective cold email. 

The Importance of the 'From' Line

We don't think much about that from the box and what it says. However, your address says a lot about you, and many recipients are evaluating whether to open the email based on the line. That being said, when sending a cold email, ensure it's from a professional email, not a personal one. For instance, [email protected] sounds more trustworthy than [email protected].

Crafting an Engaging Subject Line

Cold email subject lines are essential as they represent a summary and set the stage for the entire email. It's the number one thing that makes people open or trash an email. We all know it needs to increase engagement, but what does that mean? It means you should keep it short and address pain points. For example, if you are sending an email about email lists, your subject line could be: Tired of manually searching for prospects' contact information? 

Creating a Strong Introduction

There are two reasons why your introduction is essential. One, it appears next to a subject line in your recipient's inbox. Two, once they open an email, an introduction is the first thing that makes an impression on them. Therefore, don't use long overtures; go straight to the point. For example: Hi [recipient's name], I saw your YouTube video on [topic] and found it insightful.

Delivering Value in Your Email Body

Cold email is about sending a message about your prospect, not your company. However, you have to mention how your services or product can help their pain points. That means addressing the value proposition. For instance, [software name] can help you streamline your workflow and increase productivity and efficiency.

Ending with a Clear Call-to-Action

A call to action (CTA) is a clear invitation for your recipient to what you want them to do next. It means keeping it in context with the rest of the email and requesting a specific action or next step. For example, if you are interested in learning more about how you can find email addresses while prospecting, let me know your schedule.

Polishing Your Email Signature

An email signature is the final part of your email, alongside the sign-off. An email signature can divide you and your prospect if it's not done correctly. However, it can make a difference in presenting you in a reliable and professional light. Additionally, they will likely not waste time finding it if they can't find relevant information to respond to or visit. So, when formatting your email, be sure to include your full name, email address, role, company, website, and any additional information needed. 

Top 2024 Cold Email Templates

If you type in cold email templates on Google, the search will return 27,3 million results or pages where you can find them. However, each business has specific needs and reasons for sending emails in the first place. Some might have a template, and some don't. The point is to make one of your own and test it before saying this is winning. 

Real-Life Example Do's and Don'ts

Before we discuss templates, let's examine an example of a real email and then discuss its segments and how we can improve them. 

Subject Line: Collaboration [email protected]

Hello [email protected],

We would like to speak with the sales manager from your company because we have received information requests from companies interested in your services.

If you can obtain new clients, we remain available for a call.

All the best!

Note: If you are not interested, we would appreciate it if you could let us know by writing in the subject line or sending us an email with the message 'I am not interested.' This way, we will make sure not to send you any further emails in the future. Thank you!

Effective cold emails require attention-grabbing subject lines and concise, relevant content. Here's why the provided email might not work as intended:

Email subject line: The subject line, "Collaboration [email protected]," lacks specificity in the professional title and fails to capture attention. It doesn't convey any compelling reason for the recipient to open the email. A better subject line would be more specific and benefit-oriented.

Introduction: The opening sentence is straightforward but lacks impact, and the style enforces too much formality. Instead of merely stating the purpose, consider starting with a personalized greeting with the recipient's name. For example: "Hi [Sales Manager's Name],"

Purpose clarity: The email mentions "requests for information," but doesn't specify the services or solutions the recipient's company offers. Be more explicit about the value you bring. For instance: "We specialize in [specific service] and have received inquiries from interested companies."

Call to action (CTA): The email suggests being available for a call, but it doesn't provide an apparent reason for the recipient to engage. Consider adding a compelling CTA related to the recipient's pain points or needs. For example: "Let's discuss how we can help you increase [specific outcome]."

Personalization: While the email addresses the recipient by their email address, it lacks a personal touch. Use the recipient's name and tailor the content to their role or industry.

Closing: Cold emails should be concise. But in this case, after a sign-off, there is additional information. The moment you think the email ended, there is a large chunk of text at the end.

Here's a revised version of the email:

Subject Line: Boost Your Sales: How [Company] Can Help

Hi [Sales Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. We've received inquiries from companies interested in [specific service or solution]. As a sales manager, your insights are invaluable.
Could we schedule a brief call to explore how [Company] can help you achieve [specific benefit]? We're here to assist, whether it's increasing leads, streamlining processes, or enhancing customer satisfaction.
If you're not interested, please reply with 'I am not interested,' and we'll respect your preference.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to connecting!
Best regards, 
[Your Name] 
[Your Company]
[Your Contact Information]

Now, look at the five best templates to resolve your problems in 2024. 

Product/Service Promotion Outreach

Use Case: Promoting your product or service directly to potential customers.

Template Is For: The template is For B2B or B2C sales outreach.


Subject Line: "How [Product/Service Name] Can Help Your [Pain Point] - [Discount Code Inside]"


Hi [Recipient's Name],
I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to introduce you to our latest product/service, [Product/Service Name]. Here's why it's a game-changer:
- [Highlight a key feature, resolving pain point, or benefit]
- [Another compelling reason]
As a special thank you for being part of our community, we offer an exclusive [X]% discount. Use code [DISCOUNTCODE] at checkout.
Call to action (CTA): Encourage them to explore the product/service or visit your website.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]

Why It Works: Personalized, highlights benefits, and offers an exclusive discount.

Collaboration Email

Use Case: Reaching out to potential collaborators, influencers, or industry peers.

Template Is For: Proposing joint ventures, guest posts, webinars, or co-marketing efforts.


Subject Line: "Collaboration Opportunity: [Topic]"


Hi [Recipient's Name],
I've been following your work on [specific topic] and am impressed by your expertise. I believe there's an excellent opportunity for collaboration between our brands.
[Briefly explain your proposal, e.g., guest post exchange, joint webinar, etc.]
Let's discuss how we can create value together. Would you be open to a quick call next week?
I am looking forward to connecting!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]

Why It Works: Acknowledges their expertise, proposes a win-win collaboration, and suggests a call.

Business Development 

Use Case: Targeting decision-makers and exploring partnerships.

Template Is For: Introducing your product/service, scheduling demos, or discussing synergies.


Subject Line: "Exploring Partnership Opportunities"


Hi [Recipient's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I represent [Your Company], a [industry/niche] leader. Our [product/service] has helped [specific companies] achieve [results/benefits].
I'd love to discuss how we can collaborate to [solve a pain point, improve efficiency, etc.]. Could we schedule a brief call next week?
I am looking forward to connecting!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]
[LinkedIn profile]

Why It Works: Highlights your expertise, proposes a call, and focuses on mutual benefits.

Meeting or Call Request 

Use Case: Efficiently scheduling meetings or calls.

Template Is For: Requesting appointments or follow-ups.


Subject Line: "Scheduling a Brief Call"


Hi [Recipient's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I'd like to discuss [specific topic] further. Could we schedule a brief call at your convenience?
[Propose a few time slots or ask for theirs.]
I am looking forward to connecting!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]
[Social media links]

Why It Works: Concise, respectful, and focuses on scheduling.

Cold Sales Email

Use Case: Tailoring sales outreach for B2B prospects.

Template Is For: Different stages of the sales funnel.


Subject Line: "Solving [Specific Problem] with [Your Solution]"


Hi [Recipient's Name],
I noticed that [pain point/challenge] is a concern for [Company Name]. Our [product/service] has successfully addressed similar challenges for [other clients/companies].
Could we schedule a brief call to explore how [Your Solution] can benefit [Company Name]?
I am looking forward to connecting!

Why It Works: Addresses a universal concern, highlights services, and invites discussion.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Cold Emailing

Cold emailing is not as bad as it sounds. And it certainly doesn't have to be "cold." Some elements put pressure on all professionals dealing with email marketing each time they click the send button. However, sending cold emails is a game that deals with many numbers in the process. For some, it's trial and error; for others, it's analytical reports. There are two of the most pressing challenges in this industry; we'll discuss how you can overcome them.

Overcoming Prospects' Hesitations

Challenge: The hardest thing to do in email marketing is not for your prospects to open a message but to convince them to take action. People today are hard to convince. They have doubts, objections, or questions that stop them in their tracks when it comes to moving on with any type of sales. Hearing a customer say no happens often. In fact, according to HubSpot, 60% of consumers say no multiple times before they agree. 

Solution: The key here is demonstrating value, exhibiting empathy, and asking questions. Follow-up emails are essential: listening to your prospects instead of pushing them to decide. You have to know the reason behind the challenge to overcome it properly. Customizing the approach and offering solutions is a good way to build rapport and trust with your clients. "Guerilla" marketing might work for big brands, but it's not a 100% guarantee that people will buy from you. 

Ensuring Deliverability and Avoiding Spam Filters

Challenge: Sales professionals often think that spam filters are their worst nemesis. They work to prevent malicious and low-quality pitches from reaching the customer's inbox. This may happen for several reasons, either because of the language you are using, not warming up a new email account, or having too many links. Whatever the reason, you have to be able to reach prospects' inboxes.


One solution is to verify your email accounts using SPF and DKIM records to ensure your emails reach the intended recipients' inboxes and do not end up in their spam folders. Another is to avoid generic content and personalize your content according to your recipient. Your email sender always decides a limit on the number of emails sent; anything above that is considered spam. Finally, ensure your email list has verified leads, as the wrong email address can increase your bounce rates.

Advanced Tips for Cold Emailing

Cold email is always a powerful tool for reaching prospects and clients. However, many claim it is a tricky method to pull off because of the open rates. The truth is that most campaigns fail because of the lack of patience and clear strategy. You can't just state your business and expect people to act immediately. 

The internet is filled with the same things spinning in circles—it's like a merry-go-round. The same is true of cold emailing templates. In the end, the main goal is to human-proof your copy. That means avoiding formal and robotic language and writing friendly content that resonates with targeted audiences.

Using Storytelling to Engage Prospects

Did you know that stories have a powerful impact on our decision-making process? According to neuroscience, stories bypass rationality and go straight to the part of our brain responsible for visualization and emotion. That's a significant discovery. However, it's harder to transfer into emailing. 

If you think about it, your recipients are like the story's main characters, and you can establish a connection with them. However, you must understand the person's experience and challenges. The way to do that is to use the old marketing tool and craft your user personas. For example:

Faye Horton is a mid-level manager who has issues with time management and streamlining her workload. She needs a solution to make her workflow easier to handle. Your software product can now become her solution with its intuitive interface and features to help Faye regain control over her work. 

That said, storytelling should address pain points and solve problems for your prospects. For example, Faye is drowning in spreadsheets as a sales representative and tracks her leads manually. It's excruciatingly time-consuming and bound to have errors. Your product, for instance, an email lookup tool, can be the solution. It automates lead verification and allows you to transfer your list in CRM, all in real-time. 

Now that you have established the story, add a real-life example that showcases how others have resolved the issue with your software. For instance, Ava Terry was an overwhelmed sales representative. She used our software and found that her sales increased by 40% due to accurate email addresses. 

Finally, use emotional factors. As humans, we know emotions sometimes get the better, and we make decisions based on them. Each emotion, such as shame, anger, anxiety, and joy, can be a deciding factor. You have to know what drives and motivates your prospects. Using that emotion can help you write a compelling email. For instance, imagine how Faye was angry and searching for a solution.

Your software turned her frustration into productivity. Now, illustrate that feeling by imagining Faye's relief when using the tool. Hence, storytelling is an emotional journey that your prospects are familiar with, and the story resonates with them.

Employing Psychological Triggers

Similar to emotions, psychological factors have a significant influence on decision-making. The most common example is scarcity, associated with a fear of missing out (FOMO). Some people are compelled to act upon limited offers. However, it doesn't always work and can sometimes backfire your engagement rates. 

On the other hand, social proof is neutral, less invasive, and more likely to win tough customers. We often turn to other people for opinions or recommendations, especially when making a purchase. Hence, social proof makes more sense. For example, Wallace Andrus is an entrepreneur. After having trouble finding the right email address for his potential clients, he doubled his revenue by using our software. Read what he has to say about his journey

You can craft the narrative around specific stories because your clients' testimonials are just that—stories waiting to be told. This puts your product in a different perspective, as someone like your prospect has already used it and resolved the same issue.

Measuring the Success of Your Cold Email Campaign

As much as cold email campaigns play an essential role for many companies, it's no longer sufficient to send an email and say I am done. There is an entire methodology behind evaluating and optimizing outreach, and they require measuring key metrics. 

Key Metrics to Monitor

Once you launch your cold email campaign, there are some key metrics to monitor so you can stay on top of its performance.

Open Rate

The metric shows the percentage of recipients who opened your email. Higher open rates indicate that your subject line was appealing to readers. Personalized subject lines based on customer segments have shown better results than generic ones.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the measurement that indicates the percentage of recipients who click on links in your message. It also means that they are engaging with your message and showing interest. To increase your click-through rates, you have to create concise, respectful, and value-driven messages. 

Response Rate

Response rates indicate the number of replies you received from your prospects. This number is compared to the total number of emails sent in the campaign. A higher response rate means that your recipients have found your message valuable. The best way to increase this number is to target customers' pain points directly and customize messages accordingly. 

Conversion Rate

Despite the previous metrics mentioned, conversion rates are considered the most important, as they analyze the percentage of people who took action via your email. Requesting action can be anything from the following link to your website or scheduling a demo. Hence, a call to action within your message plays a vital role here, and it's best to optimize the content and your landing pages to increase these numbers. 

Continuous Improvement and Optimization

Cold email campaigns are repetitive processes that require patience, creating, launching, evaluating, and doing it all over again. That includes continuous improvement of whichever part of your campaign you discover lacking. However, to have something to optimize, you need to set measurable goals before launching, something to compare against. 

So, how do you optimize your campaigns once you have everything established?

  • Use Tracking Tools: One helpful tip for optimizing your email marketing strategy is to use tracking tools. By implementing email tracking tools, you can gather valuable data on open rates, click-through rates, and other relevant metrics. These insights can guide your efforts to optimize your campaigns and improve their effectiveness.
  • A/B Test Your Emails: Try A/B testing your emails by experimenting with different subject lines, email content drafts, and CTAs. You can refine your approach and achieve better results by identifying which variations perform better.
  • Segment Your Audience: Consider segmenting your email list based on demographics, interests, or buying process stages. This allows you to tailor your messaging to enhance communication with each segment, ultimately improving engagement and conversions.
  • Personalization: Finally, don't forget the importance of personalization. By crafting personalized emails that address recipients by name and highlight their unique needs, you can build stronger business relationships with your audience and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

5-Steps to Writing Effective Emails

In conclusion, if you plan to launch a cold email campaign, preparing and executing it effectively is essential. Every step is crucial, from understanding the basics of a cold email to measuring its success. By following the step-by-step guide to writing a cold email and incorporating elements, you can increase your chances of getting a response. Additionally, using cold email templates that work best and implementing advanced tips can further improve your chances of success. 

However, it all starts with your prospect's correct email address, and BookYourData has a way to provide you with B2B contacts of decision makers. If you are interested in finding the correct email address, the email finder tool has 97% accuracy, which is the highest percentage in the industry. For nine years, their software has evolved to become one of the most reliable and powerful tools for email marketing professionals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Ensure My Cold Email Stands Out?

You can ensure that your cold email stands out by addressing your prospects' pain points and what's in it. That also includes customizing your message based on recipients' problems. 

What's the Best Time to Send Cold Emails?

The best time to send cold emails is throughout the week, from Tuesday to Thursday, including morning or early afternoon hours.

How Many Follow-Ups Should I Include in My Campaign?

For your cold email campaign, you should include a maximum of three follow-ups. It's not wise to overwhelm your prospects with too many email messages. However, in some cases, the back-and-forth dialogue might require more than that.



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