18 Strategies to Generate Event Leads for Wider Reach

There are various ways to generate leads, and you need to explore all of them to reach as many people as possible. Event lead generation is one of the more overlooked methods of reaching potential customers. While some people believe lead generation is old-fashioned, it still has much to offer. For this reason, we will explore 18 strategies to generate even leads for a wider reach.

This article will cover the following topics:

By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of event lead generation and a toolkit of actionable strategies to implement in your organization.

What is Event Lead Generation?

what is event lead generation?

Event lead generation is a crucial aspect of marketing that focuses on attracting and capturing potential customer information during events. The ultimate goal is to nurture and convert these leads into clients. 

You can generate interest and establish meaningful connections with your target audience by engaging with attendees and showcasing your products or services. The primary purpose of event lead generation is to expand your customer base and create opportunities for future sales and partnerships.

You can employ various methodologies to capture leads effectively during events. Setting up interactive booths and providing sign-up forms allows interested individuals to share their contact information willingly. 

Networking opportunities like scheduled meetings or casual conversations provide a more personal approach to connecting with potential leads. These face-to-face interactions allow you to build trust, answer questions, and demonstrate the value of your offerings.

Additionally, leveraging digital tools can streamline the lead capture process. Implementing QR codes that direct attendees to landing pages or utilizing mobile apps to collect information can make the process more efficient and engaging for your team and the event participants. 

By embracing technology, you can simplify data collection, ensure accuracy, and provide a seamless experience for potential customers. Moreover, digital tools enable you to track and analyze lead generation efforts, helping you refine your strategies for future events.

Why Do Event and Conference Lead Generation Work?

Event and conference lead generation work exceptionally well for several compelling reasons. Firstly, they provide a unique opportunity for your brand to create real-life experiences for potential customers. You can leave a lasting impression on attendees through tangible interactions, such as face-to-face conversations and product demonstrations. 

These personal engagements allow you to showcase your products or services in action, letting prospects experience their value firsthand. Moreover, direct interactions foster a sense of trust and credibility, as attendees can witness your brand’s authenticity and reliability up close.

Events and conferences also help you qualify suitable leads more effectively. By attracting a targeted audience already interested in your industry or niche, you can focus your efforts on those most likely to convert. 

Real-time interactions enable you to gauge their interest and address their questions immediately, allowing for instant lead qualification based on their responses. Focused discussions provide deeper insights into their needs and preferences, helping you tailor your approach accordingly.

Here are some key ways in which event and conference lead generation encourage referral marketing:

  1. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied attendees
  2. Testimonials and social proof from event participants
  3. Attendees sharing their positive experiences on social media
  4. Increased brand visibility through peer-to-peer endorsements
  5. Amplified reach and credibility through referral marketing

Lastly, events and conferences offer endless opportunities for local lead generation. With diverse activities, such as workshops, panels, and exhibitions, you can engage with prospects through multiple touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of capturing their interest. These events generate valuable content for your marketing channels, including blog posts, social media updates, and post-event follow-up materials. 

By leveraging event highlights, participant interviews, and key takeaways, you can extend the impact of your lead-generation efforts beyond the event itself.

Types of Events to Generate More Leads

To generate leads, you can leverage various events to expand your reach and attract potential customers. Each event type offers unique opportunities to showcase your brand, engage with your target audience, and capture valuable lead information. Let’s explore some of the most influential event types for lead generation. Some of the events you can consider hosting include:

  • Conferences: Establish thought leadership, share industry insights, and connect with a targeted audience. Engage as a speaker, sponsor, or exhibitor to showcase your expertise and build brand awareness.
  • Networking Events: Industry meetups or business gatherings offer a relaxed setting to build relationships. Have meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and identify common interests for future business opportunities.
  • Online Training and Workshops: Offer valuable educational content to attract individuals eager to learn. These virtual events provide accessible engagement and allow you to collect lead information through registration and follow-up.
  • Product Launch Events: Generate buzz and attract leads interested in your latest offerings. Create an exclusive experience to showcase products, demonstrate value, and encourage attendees to take action.
  • Trade Shows: Exhibit products, network with industry professionals, and capture lead information. Engage with decision-makers and explore partnership opportunities through various activities.
  • Webinars: Host informative online presentations to attract a global audience. Demonstrate expertise, address pain points, and offer solutions. Capture lead information through registration and nurture leads with follow-up communication.

In conclusion, the various events mentioned above offer unique opportunities for businesses to generate leads and expand their reach. By strategically selecting events aligning with your business goals and target market, you can effectively attract potential customers, build relationships, and drive the success of lead generation.

Strategies to Generate Event and Conference Leads

strategies to generate event and conference leads - part1

The following are some of the best strategies for getting the most out of each event you participate in. Whether you’re a roofing company showcasing a unique product or a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company introducing a revolutionary new software solution, the following tactics will benefit you.

Identifying the Ideal Attendees for Your Event

To maximize lead generation efforts, it’s crucial to identify the ideal attendees for your event. Begin by conducting a thorough demographic analysis, considering age, gender, location, and job roles. 

Utilize existing customer data to gain insights into who benefits most from your events and analyze past attendee behaviors and interests to identify common characteristics among your most engaged participants. Target professionals and organizations within relevant industries, ensuring the event content aligns with their needs and challenges. 

Moreover, you should use data analytics tools to segment your target audience effectively and refine your attendee list by leveraging valuable insights from social media platforms and CRM systems.

Focusing on the right audience can attract high-quality leads and create an event that resonates with their interests and pain points, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful lead generation and conversion.

Define Clear Objectives

Defining clear objectives is paramount for a successful lead-generation event. Start by establishing specific, measurable goals that align with your business objectives. These goals include everything from the number of leads you aim to generate to the brand awareness you want to achieve. 

Determine how you want attendees to interact with your event through networking, learning, or purchasing, and set engagement key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Define the type of content you will deliver and its purpose, and plan sessions that cater to different stages of the buyer’s journey. 

This strategy ensures that your event offers value to attendees at various interest levels and readiness to engage with your brand. 

Finally, for best results, outline a comprehensive follow-up plan to nurture leads post-event, setting timelines for follow-up outreach and lead scoring processes to guide prospects through the sales funnel.

Event Planning and Organization

Effective event planning and organization are crucial in creating an experience with a high return on investment (ROI). Therefore, you must develop a comprehensive event plan that covers all logistical aspects, including detailed timelines, budget allocations, and task assignments. 

Ensure clear and consistent communication among team members and stakeholders, utilizing project management tools to track progress and manage tasks efficiently. 

When selecting a venue, consider the event size, target audience, accessibility, amenities, and technological requirements to create an environment conducive to lead generation. Focus on creating engaging and interactive content, such as:

  1. Keynote Speeches
  2. Panel Discussions
  3. Breakout Sessions

These events will keep your attendees involved and actively participating throughout the event. 

By meticulously planning and organizing your event, you can create a seamless experience that showcases your brand’s value and expertise, fostering meaningful connections with potential leads and setting the stage for successful lead generation.

Working with Event Organizers 

Collaborating with experienced event organizers can significantly enhance your lead-generation efforts. Good event organizers are like professional B2B lead generation companies. If they are good, they will take the necessary steps to ensure that a lot of people see what you have to offer.

When selecting partners, choose event organizers with a proven track record in your industry. Moreover, look for partners who can bring valuable contacts and insights, expanding your reach and increasing the chances of attracting high-quality leads. 

Establish clear roles and responsibilities with the event organizers, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. Maintain regular communication throughout the planning process to ensure alignment and smooth event execution.

Leverage the organizers’ extensive network to boost attention and promote your event effectively. Encourage cross-promotion through their established channels, such as social media platforms, email lists, and industry associations. This collaboration can help you reach a wider audience and attract more relevant attendees.

Leveraging Online Events

One key advantage of online events is their ability to expand your reach to a global audience. By hosting events virtually, you can eliminate geographical and travel barriers, allowing attendees worldwide to participate. This increased accessibility can significantly boost your lead generation potential, as you can connect with prospects who may not have been able to attend in-person events.

Online events are also much more cost-effective than traditional in-person gatherings. By hosting online events, you can allocate your budget more efficiently toward lead generation activities by eliminating the need for physical venues, travel, and accommodation expenses. 

Utilize interactive platforms to engage attendees and create immersive experiences. Some practical options include:

  1. Webinars
  2. Virtual conferences
  3. Live chats
  4. Polls
  5. Q&A sessions

These interactive features foster active participation and encourage attendees to engage with your brand. Leverage digital tools to track attendee behavior and collect valuable data insights. 

Use this information to refine your marketing strategies, personalize follow-up communications, and improve future events. 

Additionally, consider hosting hybrid events that combine in-person and online elements. This approach allows you to cater to different preferences and offer virtual attendance options for those unable to attend physically, further expanding your lead generation opportunities.

Utilizing Email Marketing 

Email marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your event and generating leads. Begin by sending personalized invitations to your existing email list, highlighting the key benefits and exclusive opportunities attendees will experience at your event. This targeted approach ensures that your message reaches individuals already interested in your brand or industry.

Share content teasers in your email campaigns to build anticipation and encourage registration. Provide sneak peeks of the event content, including information about renowned speakers, engaging sessions, and any special activities or experiences attendees can expect. This glimpse into the value your event offers will pique the interest of potential leads and motivate them to register.

As the event date approaches, schedule automated reminder emails to keep your event top-of-mind. Increase the frequency of these reminders as the event draws nearer, ensuring your leads don’t forget to attend. After the event, send a follow-up email thanking attendees for participating and summarizing the highlights.

To streamline ensuring your messages reach the right audience, you can use services that provide accurate, verified email addresses, such as BookYourData. This allows you to save time on data verification and focus more on crafting engaging content, which can enhance your email marketing strategy. You can ensure your emails reach leads with the help of BookYourData’s real-time email verification tool.


Implementing Networking Sessions

strategies to generate event and conference leads - part2

Organize structured networking sessions, such as speed networking or roundtable discussions, to facilitate introductions and conversations among attendees with similar interests or industry backgrounds. 

These focused interactions create opportunities for attendees to establish valuable relationships and explore potential business opportunities.

Furthermore, Leveraging networking apps like LinkedIn and Facebook Groups can significantly enhance your event’s lead generation potential. Creating dedicated online communities enables attendees to connect, engage, and offer feedback before, during, and after the event, fostering meaningful relationships and increasing the likelihood of converting promising leads into valuable business opportunities.

Incorporate icebreaker activities into your networking sessions to create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. These activities can include games or quick introductions that help attendees feel more comfortable and encourage them to open up and connect with others. 

After the event, encourage continued networking by creating social media groups or organizing follow-up events. Provide a platform for attendees to keep in touch, share their experiences, and further develop the relationships they established at your event.

Collecting Contact Details Efficiently 

Efficient contact detail collection is crucial for successful lead generation at events. Implement a combination of digital and physical methods to capture attendee information seamlessly. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  1. Digital Sign-Ups: Utilize digital sign-up forms to collect attendee information before and during the event. Ensure these forms are mobile-friendly and easy to fill out, minimizing any barriers to providing contact details. Include fields for essential information such as name, email address, company, and job title.
  2. QR Codes: Implement QR codes at various touchpoints throughout your event, such as registration booths, exhibition stands, and presentation slides. Link these QR codes to online forms or landing pages where attendees can quickly and easily provide contact information. 
  3. Incentives for Sharing Information: Offer compelling incentives to motivate attendees to share their contact details. These incentives can include exclusive content, such as whitepapers or industry reports, discounts on future events or products, or giveaways like branded merchandise or gift cards. 

Ensure attendees feel confident and secure about sharing their contact details with you. Communicate your privacy policy and explain how their information will be used and protected. Provide transparent opt-in and opt-out options, allowing attendees to control their communication preferences.

Engaging with Potential Customers During the Event

Engaging with potential customers during the event is crucial for generating leads and building relationships. Design interactive booths that captivate visitors and encourage them to explore your products or services. 

Use engaging visuals like eye-catching displays and informative signage to attract attention and spark curiosity. Incorporate hands-on demonstrations and activities that allow attendees to experience your offerings firsthand, creating a memorable and immersive experience.

Moreover, conduct live demonstrations of your products or services to showcase their value and benefits. Have knowledgeable staff members present to guide attendees through the demos, highlighting key features and answering any questions. 

Encourage active participation from attendees, allowing them to interact with your products and better understand their capabilities.

Finally, prioritize feedback. Use surveys, polls, or feedback forms to gather potential customers' opinions, suggestions, and concerns. This feedback will help you improve future events and demonstrate your commitment to understanding and addressing their needs.

Providing Valuable Insights Through Presentations and Workshops

Presentations and workshops are great platforms for delivering valuable insights and establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry. Use these opportunities to provide high-quality, educational content that addresses the audience’s pain points, challenges, and interests. 

Use data, case studies, and real-life examples to support your insights and demonstrate the practical applications of your solutions. To enhance the credibility of your event, consider inviting renowned industry experts and thought leaders to share their knowledge and experiences. Once you have done that, make sure to:

  • Promote these speakers in your event marketing materials and on social media using specific hashtags to attract a wider audience.
  • Leverage their expertise to provide unique perspectives and valuable insights to attendees.
  • Encourage speakers to engage with attendees during and after their sessions to foster meaningful connections.

After the event, provide attendees access to presentation slides, whitepapers, and additional resources related to the topics covered. These materials serve as valuable references and enable attendees to revisit the insights shared during the event. Use these resources as follow-up tools to keep the conversation going, nurture leads, and demonstrate your commitment to providing value to your audience.

Engaging Attendees with Interactive Activities

Interactive activities capture attendees’ attention, foster engagement, and create memorable experiences. Gamification techniques like quizzes, challenges, and contests can encourage participation and generate excitement. 

Design activities that align with your event theme and objectives, and offer prizes or incentives to motivate attendees to get involved.

You can also utilize live polling and survey tools to gather real-time feedback and insights from attendees. Pose thought-provoking questions, seek opinions on industry trends, or gauge interest in specific topics. 

Share the results instantly with the audience to maintain engagement and spark further discussions. This interactive element keeps attendees involved and provides valuable data for your lead generation and marketing efforts.

Offer Incentives

When employed effectively, incentives can captivate attendees, drive engagement, and transform casual event-goers into eager prospects. One effective incentive is providing access to exclusive content, such as e-books, reports, or webinars, specifically tailored to your target audience's interests and needs.

Another compelling incentive is offering special discounts or limited-time offers on your products or services. If you are working with influencers, consider offering sponsorship. Promote these exclusive deals to event participants, highlighting the unique benefits and savings they can enjoy by taking action during the event. 

Creating a sense of urgency around these offers can drive attendees to purchase or sign up for trials, converting them into leads and potential customers.

Finally, consider offering VIP access or exclusive privileges to select attendees. This access can include special passes to specific sessions, meet-and-greets with keynote speakers, or access to exclusive networking events. Highlight the unique benefits and experiences that come with VIP status to attract more registrations and generate buzz around your event.

Set up wise registration forms

strategies to generate event and conference leads - part3

Creating well-designed registration forms is crucial for effectively capturing lead information. Keep the form design simple and straightforward to ensure a smooth and user-friendly registration process. 

Only ask for essential details necessary for lead qualification and follow-up, such as name, email address, company name, and job title. Minimizing the number of fields and keeping the form concise reduces the likelihood of drop-offs and increases the chances of attendees completing the registration.

A registration form should have the following key elements:

  • Contact Information: Collect essential details like full name, email address (with validation), and phone number for personalized communication and assistance.
  • Attendee Type or Registration Category: Offer ticket type options (General Admission, VIP) with precise descriptions and benefits.
  • Payment Information (if applicable): Include secure fields for payment details, multiple payment options, and a discount code field.
  • Additional Questions: Use concise questions and conditional logic to gather information on attendee preferences, dietary needs, or accessibility requirements.
  • Terms and Conditions: Require agreement to event terms, cancellation policies, and privacy statements with a prominent checkbox.
  • Confirmation and Submission: Conclude with a clear call-to-action button and display a confirmation message or page upon successful submission.

Ensure that your registration forms are mobile-friendly and fully accessible on various devices. Test the forms thoroughly on different platforms and screen sizes to guarantee a seamless user experience. After registration, send a confirmation email to the attendee, providing a summary of their registration details, event information, and a calendar invite.

Require session sign-ups

Requiring session sign-ups allows you to gather information on attendees’ interests and preferences and tailor the event experience to their needs. This pre-event engagement enhances attendee satisfaction and provides valuable insights into which sessions generate the most interest.

By tracking session sign-ups and actual attendance, you can identify the most popular topics and speakers, helping you refine your content strategy for future events. Additionally, analyzing attendance patterns lets you identify the most engaged prospects and prioritize follow-up efforts accordingly. 

Session sign-ups are a powerful tool for collecting specific data, segmenting leads based on interests, and maximizing the effectiveness of your lead-generation initiatives.

Leveraging Technology for Lead Capture

Incorporating technology into your lead capture process can significantly streamline data collection and enhance the overall efficiency of your event. Utilize event apps that offer features like QR code scanning and digital business card exchanges, allowing attendees to share their contact information with exhibitors and sponsors easily. These app-based solutions simplify lead capture and provide a seamless experience for both attendees and event organizers.

Use lead capture software to collect, manage, and organize attendee information efficiently. For example, mobile lead retrieval systems like iCapture allow exhibitors to scan attendee badges and instantly gather relevant data. Integrate these systems with your CRM platform to ensure seamless data transfer and centralized lead management. 

Additionally, set up interactive kiosks throughout the event venue where attendees can register, check in, and provide feedback. 

Organizing and Analyzing Collected Leads

After collecting leads from your event, it is crucial to organize and analyze the data effectively to maximize its value. Begin by segmenting utilizing:

  1. Demographic segmentation: Group leads by age, gender, location, or industry. This approach helps you understand their background and context, allowing you to craft targeted messages that resonate with their needs and preferences.
  2. Interest-based segmentation: Categorize leads according to the sessions they attended or the topics they showed interest in during the event. By understanding their focus areas, you can provide relevant content and offers that align with their interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  3. Engagement-level segmentation: Divide leads based on their level of interaction and participation throughout the event. Leads who actively engaged with your brand asked questions, or visited your booth multiple times demonstrate a higher level of interest and are more likely to convert. Prioritize these highly engaged leads in your follow-up efforts.

Furthermore, you should implement a lead-scoring system to analyze collected leads. This system will help you assign values to leads based on their conversion potential. When assigning scores, consider factors such as session attendance, booth visits, product interest, and overall engagement.

Sending Personalized Follow-Up Emails

After the event, it’s essential to keep the momentum going by sending personalized follow-up emails to attendees. Tailor the email content to reflect their interests and the sessions they attended, providing relevant resources and information. 

Send emails as soon as possible following the event to ensure timely follow-ups, and use automated email workflows to maintain consistent communication. Include clear calls to action (CTAs) in your emails, such as scheduling a demo or downloading a resource, making it easy for recipients to take the next step. 

Segment your follow-up emails based on lead scoring and engagement levels, ensuring that high-priority leads receive more personalized and direct communication. 

By sending customized and targeted follow-up emails, you can stay in touch with leads, develop relationships, and help them convert.

Nurturing Leads through Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads and guiding them through the buyer’s journey. Provide leads with valuable content that addresses their pain points and interests, such as blogs, whitepapers, webinars, and case studies.

Develop email drip campaigns to deliver this content over time, keeping leads engaged and informed. Engage with leads on social media platforms by sharing relevant content and responding to their interactions, building relationships, and maintaining top-of-mind awareness.

Tailor your content delivery based on lead segmentation and scoring, ensuring that high-value leads receive more personalized and in-depth content.

By consistently providing valuable and relevant content, you can educate leads, establish trust, and position your brand as a thought leader in your industry, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Fundamental Takeaways for Boosting Event Lead Generation

Event lead generation is a proven method for growing your client base and creating prospects for future sales and collaborations. You can showcase your brand, engage with your target audience, and capture valuable lead information by leveraging various event types, such as conferences, networking events, online workshops, and webinars.

Effective event lead generation involves identifying ideal attendees, setting clear objectives, meticulous planning, and utilizing technology for efficient lead capture. Engaging attendees through interactive activities, offering incentives, and providing valuable content is vital to generating high-quality leads. Post-event, personalized follow-up emails, and targeted content marketing help nurture leads and increase conversion rates.

BookYourData may help you generate more event leads by supplying verified email addresses, ensuring your emails reach the intended recipients. This real-time verification approach saves time since it eliminates the need for third-party verification tools. You can save with BookYourData’s pay-as-you-go model so you can allocate more resources to your event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I use Metrics to Measure Conference Lead Generation Success?

You should use metrics to measure conference lead generation success because they provide insights into what’s working and what needs improvement. You can optimize your strategies and maximize event ROI by tracking key performance indicators like leads generated, conversion rates, and cost per lead.

Can Lead Scoring Help with Event Lead Generation?

Lead scoring can help generate event leads by prioritizing leads based on their conversion likelihood. By assigning scores to leads considering engagement, demographics, and other factors, you can focus on the most promising prospects, improving conversion rates.

Are There Any Future Trends that I Should Be Aware of in Event Lead Generation?

Future trends in event lead generation include increased use of virtual and hybrid events, AI-driven data analytics for personalized targeting, immersive technologies like AR/VR for engaging experiences, and enhanced social media integration to expand reach and engagement.



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